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Angels Retro Jersey Histpry
Angels Retro Jersey Histpry


Seen a couple of things the past few days about angels using a retro jersy so i thought id share this. The only difference for this year is that they have it planned for 1 whole week at the end of july against the A’s and the Rockies.

They do a 70’s & 80’s (specifically ~1973-1988, in 89-92 the A and halo became thicker) throwback in july/august almost every year since 2016 (exluding 2020, 2022), as well as in 2014. Usually its 2-3 games, though they used it on the road for 1 game in 2017. Its nothing new.

As for the other throwbacks, heres what it looked like. Back in 2012 they did a mock version of the PCL away jersey (chose to use royal blue rather than navy and no halo on top), and a 1970’s/80’s throwback. 2013 use the “real” PCL home jerseys and a 73-80s retro (navy hat with halo). 2015 1 retro game PCL road.

They havent used any of the CA California Angels from 65-70 & 93-96, the lower case “a” of 71, lower case “a” jersey with uppercase “A” hat of 72, technically 89-92 thick A, and the 97-01 Anaheim Angels

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