What “awesome signings” Perry has given us! “PeRrY iS tOtALLy cOoKinG.” I just love how Perry always goes d/mpster diving for pennies from goodwill and the s@lvation army. I love Perry being a massive cheapskate who’s only goal is to sign rehabilitation projects for cheap. Remember when Arte wanted to sign Trea Turner last year to actually improve the team? what a d3vil Arte was for trying to give us a stacked team of Trout, Ohtani, Rendon, and Turner! wE tOTaLLy dOdGeD A bULLeT tHeRe. All i can say is thank God we had Perry there to shut that down. Perry saw that Arte wanted to actually build a competitive team and Perry said, “nope, sorry, I cant have none of that on my watch.” Perry saved us from being a good team! What a blessing it was for Perry to sign Hunter Renfroe instead of Turner! pERRy kNoWs bEsT