I severely misjudged the final years of Scioscia’s tenure. Do you take pride in the “almost” years?


I’m going down more of a baseball rabbit hole, because I love the postseason. I always assumed that he (and the team) weren’t the same those final years, because I grew up with playoff appearances. I remember 2005 and 2008 to 2010. Obviously, they were dominant in 2014 too. There were other decent years though. In 2015, they would have made the playoffs with today’s format. The third wild card spot was theirs. In 2012, they had 89 wins. No way an NBA team that is 16 games above .500 is missing the playoffs. My two favorite sports were NFL and NBA growing up. I was so used to their postseason letting six and eights team per conference into the dance, respectively. Now, it’s at seven and ten. Growing up, I didn’t like how baseball just had four per league. I would automatically think that some teams were just bad if they missed the playoffs, because some franchises could make it every year like us, the Red Sox, or Yankees. You had to practically win the division just to get in. Under Mike’s tutelage, we only made it once when we didn’t win the division. We won the WS that year. I guess the MLB realized that they neede to give Wild Card teams more a chance. I mean look at this season. I say all this to say that he was an even better manager than I thought. Do you all take pride in those decent seasons? I didn’t even mention the 2006 Angels.