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My opinion on the debacle of this organization


I’ve seen people writing on this subreddit saying that Moreno is not to blame for the debacle this organization has been going through for years. In my opinion, of course he’s the one to blame.

I mean, he is the OWNER. He is the BOSS of all the staff that runs this team miserably. A lot of people say that we are “cursed”, yeah that curse is called Arte Moreno. All these injuries are the final peak of years of mismanagement and cutting corners. I can’t even believe that we had the best baseball player in history (probably) and another historical generational talent and still FAIL, and now both are INJURED.

Not to mention that we have one of the worst bullpens in all the league, we spent MILLIONS on players that have contributed NOTHING to this team, and we have a terrible player development with one of the worst farms in all MLB. All of this is not a coincidence. Arte Moreno wasted the best years of Trout and wasted the Ohtani talent without making the playoffs a single year.

This will not change if Arte don’t sell this team.

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