7th inning stretch song
This post is from the /r/angelsbaseball subreddit.
We need One. A long time ago it was good vibrations. Growing up it was build me up butter cup (my favorite one)
I remember some people didn’t like build me up because it was seen as negative. And it fits perfectly with what the front office have been doing. Build me up (sign ohtani) just to let me down (pitching) 😂
I’m tired of the Coke Zero voting the song do the day. It’s like they’re trying so hard to remove our identity as fans.
When I was in Boston they all sang sweet Caroline and it made me miss out 7th inning song.
I miss build me up so bad haha and I just want a song again. Not a choice of 4.
7th inning stretch song
byu/Impressive-Apple3477 inangelsbaseball