New Fan Getting into Baseball

This post is from the /r/angelsbaseball subreddit.

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I have recently been watching a lot of baseball videos and want to get into baseball for the first time. I had a very passing interest in baseball when I tried to play (badly) as a kid, but this is the first time I want to try to actually follow the sport. With that said, I am looking for a team to follow. I don’t want to just bandwagon the best teams. I thought because I loved my White Sox hat that they would be a good one to follow. I have been told however by multiple people, including those on the subreddit, that this would in fact be a very poor choice. I then thought, because of my love as a kid for the movie “Angels in the Outfield” that I would follow the Angels. My question is, would you long term fans say that it’s worth getting into the team to see what the future brings, or is it a situation closer to the White Sox where I should perhaps reconsider? Thank you for taking the time.

New Fan Getting into Baseball
byu/BillCosbyPuddinPops inangelsbaseball

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