Another season in the books (Gallery)
I’ll be honest, this season did not feel like the worst season in franchise history, despite what our record shows.
I went to 12 games this season including one in Oakland (RIP) and 3 walk-offs (2 against the Mariners, 1 against the Tigers). They won 7 of the first 8 which was awesome but then they lost the last 4…
Nevertheless, the numbers don’t lie and disappointing is just one word of many that can describe this season. But I am still really excited for the next few years as our young players develop, especially O’Hoppe, Neto, and Joyce. Oh and also for Mike Trout to be back, hopefully for a full season. But I fully believe playoffs are attainable within the next few years, as much as I would like it sooner, but I am also just full of hopium…
Here’s to next year I guess, see ya in the spring,
Side note: who are yall rooting for in the playoffs? I’ll be cheering for my third favorite team, the Padres.