Am I the only one that feels this way?


Am I the only one that’s just feeling like maybe just giving up? I can’t do this anymore, I’m tired of being let down every season. I’m tired of Arte and his cheap ass fucking is over every goddamn season. We finally have something that can resemble a team that could do something in this league and then he just let everyone walk because he doesn’t wanna spend the fucking money his cheap ass is throwing his team down the fucking drain and I know people are saying oh well, there’s gonna be that farm system and trust me. I want to believe that argument, but we have the worst farm system in the league and he’s not gonna want to spend money in the minor league to make it better. He’s just gonna hope he finds someone that’s good enough and takes a small check which we know ain’t happening. I don’t know if I even like this team anymore at this point it just fucking hurts every off-season pain after pain after pain. I don’t know anymore man, I love this fucking team, but it’s starting to get hard to continue to have faith.