

So I know there are plenty of us that are unhappy with how things are going as of the last 10 years and especially the last week and this off season.

There is no misunderstanding that this is a result of our front office, leadership, and most of all ownership. One of the high points within the last year was Arte’s announcement to sell the team. This was something a lot of us rallied around and were excited to see unfold only to have the tablecloth ripped from under us. It’s very clear that Arte needs to sell, there is no viable case against that as far as I am concerned. You just shouldn’t turn a mlb team into a giant commercial and expect to be competitive.

As fans, the only thing we can do to fight this is not go to games. People will still go to games that are not big fans like families and tourists, but if enough of the fan base wakes up and smells the coffee, and boycotts games, that is where we can make a difference otherwise we can expect more of the same as we move forward. Join me in boycotting going to games until we turn this sinking ship around.

It’s that simple ladies and gentlemen. See you at the bars and on game threads.