Attendance numbers breakdown


Total attendance 2640575 up from 2022’s 2457461

Average attendnace 32600 up from 30339
Angels ran on average about 71% stadium capacity

Total and average attn went up 7.45% which less than league total increase (9.59%) as well as individual teams average overall change (12.39%) individual teams average attn avg change (11.39%).

Friday>Sat>Sun 3 most popular days in order (no shocker)
Thursday and Monday saw lowest average attendance

3 lowest attendnace games: Nats 4/12 17780, Nats 4/10 19557, Hou 5/10 20420

6 sellouts: Lad 6/21 44731, Kc 4/21 44741, Tor 4/7 44735, Lad 6/20 44703, Tor 4/8 44534, Kc 4/22 44147

Bottom 3 opponent avg: Nats 21576, Bos 25903, Cin 26652

Opponents over 40 K: Lad 44732, Kc 41632, Nyy 40626 Tor 40120

Important season Landmarks:
Pre ohtani arm injury 33484
Post arm injury 29276
Pre back ohtani 33346
Post ohtani back 29568
Bobbleheads 42892
Trout/ohtani/rallymonkey/concert 38260
Giveaways in general 36175
Ohtani pitch 35731
Pre seattle sweep 33689
Post seattle sweep 30160

*there are some overlap in the events

Summary: Ohtani is worth 4000 fans, and bobbleheads should always be the giveaway