Team Store Frustrations (semi rant)


So I was at the game last night and waited out the long line at the team store to get some Angels x Ducks merch, and while I was there I saw they had the 80s throwback unis! Realized they were all blanks but wanted to get one with Shohei’s name on it since I basically have every one of his jerseys and if he leaves, I might not be able to get one. I go to the kiosk to customize the jersey and I realize that they don’t have the throwback on there as a customizable jersey. So I ask the guy and he says that they can customize the jersey but that it’ll have the regular numbers and lettering and not the throwback lettering. Complete turn off for me. Is it just me or does it seem weird that they don’t have the lettering and numbers for the throwback unis when they’re selling the blank jerseys?

The lines in the store and overall flow of traffic lately has been insane this season. Absolutely horrific getting into, walking around and checking out.

Also, I usually like to pick up a program every game I go to because I usually try to get to one game a month, but they only sell them at the main team store. Why should I have to stand in those outrageously long lines when I should just be able to pick one up at one of the many stores around the stadium?

TLDR: Throwback unis aren’t customizable with the correct lettering, hard to get around the store, lines are outrageous and programs are only sold in the main team store.