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I just don’t get why everyone is so mad about this


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell, but I just don’t get why everyone is so mad about this

All of these guys are going to be Free agents at the end of the season, and we are not going to the playoffs

Salary dump in this situation is actually pretty smart, if they get claimed they have a chance to go to a playoff team for them, and we shed enough salary to get under the salary cap, so if we want to, we could go over the cap next year which would have had more implications being our 2nd year in a row over the cap.

Also, if Sho’ leaves, we 100% do a QO on him and we would get a much better compensatory pick if we are under the salary cap than over

It’s sucks but, the perfect shit storm happened to us, we were on the fringe of playoff contention when we traded for guys were it made sense going for it, but it all went to shit so hard and fast that it makes sense of getting rid of them right now.

Its not ideal, but you have to do what you have to do

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