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Arte Moreno is being a terrible owner even from the business side of things this year. We all know that all Arte has ever cared about is making money while not caring what the actual product is on the field. He signs huge contracts for washed players (granted some have unlucky outcomes that we can’t control) just to get people in the stands. For example: Pujols, Upton, Hamilton etc… IMO for Arte to make the most amount of money possible, he needs to sign Ohtani and have him forever. By not fielding a winning team with the money he has this year, he is fucking himself and the fans over because Shohei is as good as gone. What has happened this year is sure to make him want out. Dude is a walking dollar sign and is so good for this team’s performance and morale. Thanks for nothing Arte Moreno. Go Halos 🫡

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