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Taylor Ward’s statcast numbers are trending upward, and his OPS is increasing month-to-month.
Taylor Ward’s statcast numbers are trending upward, and his OPS is increasing month-to-month.



2023 371 326 53 80 10 35 3 .245 .323 .387 .710
6 Seasons 1469 1300 193 329 48 155 13 .253 .331 .420 .751
2023 .245 10 35 3 .710
6 Seasons .253 48 155 13 .751

Statcast Batting Statistics

Season Age Pitches Batted
Barrels Barrel % Barrel/PA Exit
Max EV Launch
Spot %
2018 24 578 90 7 7.8 4.8 86.9 106.7 16.2 42.2 .202 .355 .255 .277 .360 33.3 30.6 6.1
2019 25 207 19 2 10.5 4.2 91.7 105.7 11.2 47.4 .191 .306 .275 .269 .463 52.6 47.9 12.5
2020 26 391 66 3 4.5 2.9 91.1 108.6 10.4 31.8 .250 .396 .314 .309 .393 47.0 27.5 7.8
2021 27 874 156 16 10.3 6.8 89.6 110.0 16.4 39.1 .259 .453 .333 .344 .407 39.7 23.2 8.4
2022 28 2297 380 47 12.4 8.3 90.0 112.6 15.8 41.8 .268 .474 .362 .361 .420 42.9 21.3 10.6
2023 29 1489 259 19 7.3 5.1 90.7 111.4 14.0 34.0 .252 .418 .313 .333 .368 44.0 19.4 9.2


5836 970 94 9.7 6.4 89.9 112.6 15.0 38.8 .252 .433 .328 .336 .398 42.3 23.3 9.3

6.8 4.7 88.4 122.4 12.2 33.1 .245 .405 .316 .315 .368 36.1 22.1 8.4

! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Fastball: 4 Seam, 2 Seam, Cutter, Sinker. Offspeed: Split, Change, Fork, Screw. Breaking: Slider, Curve, Knuckle, Sweeper, Slurve, Other







Batted Ball Profile

Season GB % FB % LD % PU % Pull % Straight % Oppo % Weak % Topped % Under % Flare/Burner % Solid % Barrel % Barrel/PA
2018 36.7 28.9 25.6 8.9 42.2 34.4 23.3 2.2 30.0 35.6 21.1 2.2 7.8 4.8
2019 36.8 15.8 42.1 5.3 42.1 42.1 15.8 0.0 31.6 21.1 31.6 5.3 10.5 4.2
2020 45.5 25.8 28.8 0.0 19.7 45.5 34.8 4.5 31.8 24.2 24.2 10.6 4.5 2.9
2021 38.5 29.5 27.6 4.5 37.8 32.1 30.1 7.7 25.6 23.1 23.1 10.3 10.3 6.8
2022 35.5 31.3 27.1 6.1 38.4 36.1 25.5 3.4 25.0 25.3 26.3 7.4 12.4 8.3
2023 41.7 32.4 21.2 4.6 37.1 37.1 25.9 1.5 32.4 27.4 24.7 6.2 7.3 5.1


38.5 30.4 25.9 5.3 37.1 36.3 26.6 3.5 28.1 26.3 24.8 7.2 9.7 6.4

44.7 23.3 24.9 7.1 36.9 37.6 25.3 3.9 32.9 24.6 24.4 5.8 6.8 4.7

! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Similar Batters to Taylor Ward:

Run Values by Pitch Type


Plate Discipline

Season Pitches Zone % Zone Swing % Zone Contact % Chase % Chase Contact % Edge % 1st Pitch Swing % Swing % Whiff % Meatball % Meatball Swing %

578 53.5 56.3 82.2 20.8 57.1 44.8 24.5 39.8 23.5 8.0 65.2

207 49.5 57.0 71.9 24.5 28.0 42.1 25.0 40.6 41.7 6.9 71.4

391 52.9 63.3 86.3 23.9 45.5 45.8 17.6 44.8 23.4 8.2 78.1

874 51.5 67.3 82.5 25.5 53.7 40.7 32.1 47.0 25.1 8.2 83.3

2,297 50.1 62.3 83.9 20.6 58.9 44.3 26.2 41.4 22.2 7.0 78.9

1,489 48.4 67.1 87.6 23.8 55.2 43.3 32.6 44.8 21.3 7.6 78.8


5,836 50.4 63.5 84.3 22.5 54.8 43.6 28.0 43.2 23.3 7.5 77.9


48.5 66.9 82.0 28.4 58.1 42.6 29.5 47.1 24.8 7.3 76.1

! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Percentile Rankings

Year xwOBA xBA xSLG xISO xOBP Brl Brl% EV Max EV Hard
K% BB% Whiff% Chase
Speed OAA Arm
2018 51 77
2019 41 82
2020 55 89 87
2021 71 79 67
2022 92 82 89 82 88 88 86 69 86 66 48 79 63 93 79 68 71
2023 56 46 51 50 64 57 41 71 73 66 68 57 71 78 69 65 50

View Complete Percentile Rankings Leaderboard

Expected Home Runs

Expected Home Runs by Park

Year to Year Changes

Metric 2018 2019 +/-   2020 +/-   2021 +/-   2022 +/-   2023 +/-  
Exit Velocity 86.9 91.7 4.8

91.1 -0.6

89.6 -1.5

90.0 0.4

90.7 0.7

Launch Angle 16.2 11.2 -5.0

10.4 -0.8

16.4 6.0

15.8 -0.6

14.0 -1.8

Barrel % 7.8 10.5 2.7

4.5 -6.0

10.3 5.8

12.4 2.1

7.3 -5.1

Hard Hit % 33.3 52.6 19.3

47.0 -5.6

39.7 -7.3

42.9 3.2

44.0 1.1

Sweet Spot % 42.2 47.4 5.2

31.8 -15.6

39.1 7.3

41.8 2.7

34.0 -7.8

xBA .202 .191 -0.011

.250 0.059

.259 0.009

.268 0.009

.252 -0.016

BA .178 .190 0.012

.277 0.087

.250 -0.027

.281 0.031

.245 -0.036

xwOBA .277 .269 -0.008

.309 0.040

.344 0.035

.361 0.017

.333 -0.028

wOBA .255 .275 0.020

.314 0.039

.333 0.019

.362 0.029

.313 -0.049

xSLG .355 .306 -0.049

.396 0.090

.453 0.057

.474 0.021

.418 -0.056

SLG .333 .333 0.000

.383 0.050

.438 0.055

.473 0.035

.387 -0.086

K% 30.6 47.9 17.3

27.5 -20.4

23.2 -4.3

21.3 -1.9

19.4 -1.9

BB% 6.1 12.5 6.4

7.8 -4.7

8.4 0.6

10.6 2.2

9.2 -1.4

Swing % 39.8 40.6 0.8

44.8 4.2

47.0 2.2

41.4 -5.6

44.8 3.4

Whiff% 23.5 41.7 18.2

23.4 -18.3

25.1 1.7

22.2 -2.9

21.3 -0.9

In Zone % 53.5 49.5 -4.0

52.9 3.4

51.5 -1.4

50.1 -1.4

48.4 -1.7

Out of Zone % 46.5 50.5 4.0

47.1 -3.4

48.5 1.4

49.9 1.4

51.6 1.7

Out of Zone Swing % 20.8 24.5 3.7

23.9 -0.6

25.5 1.6

20.6 -4.9

23.8 3.2

First Pitch Swing % 24.5 25.0 0.5

17.6 -7.4

32.1 14.5

26.2 -5.9

32.6 6.4

First Pitch Strike % 57.8 62.5 4.7

58.8 -3.7

64.6 5.8

58.7 -5.9

56.3 -2.4

View Complete Year to Year Changes Leaderboard

Statcast Shift Statistics

Season Bat Side PA Shifts % wOBA – No Shift wOBA – Shift
2018 R 147 4 2.7 .257 .180
2019 R 47 2 4.3 .278 .345
2020 R 102 12 11.8 .328 .205
2021 R 237 9 3.8 .339 .195
2022 R 564 190 33.7 .358 .370
2023 R 371 0 0.0 .313

Pitch Tempo

View Complete Pitch Tempo Leaderboard

Statcast Rankings

Average Exit Velocity

Year MPH Rank
2022 90 76th in MLB
2023 90.7 43rd in MLB

Max Exit Velocity

Year MPH Rank
2022 112.6 71st in MLB
2023 111.4 66th in MLB


Year # Rank
2022 47 30th in MLB
2023 19 74th in MLB

Sprint Speed

Year Ft/s Rank
2018 28.1 147th in MLB
2020 28.4 52nd in MLB
2021 28.3 132nd in MLB
2022 28.4 118th in MLB
2023 27.9 161st in MLB

Max HR Distance

Year Ft Rank
2022 425 182nd in MLB
2023 417 112th in MLB

Average HR Trot

Year Sec. Rank
2022 23.16 108th in MLB
2023 23.21 78th in MLB

Outs Above Average

Year # Rank
2020 -2 115th in MLB
2021 -1 125th in MLB
2022 1 71st in MLB
2023 2 40th in MLB

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